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    Mission& Vision

    Mission& Vision

    HITE is committed to be a leader of Industry 4.0 overall solution services by providing industry users with the most competitive intelligent manufacturing products and solutions, and continuously to create the maximum value for customers!

    Mission& Vision

    Mission& Vision

    Publish Date:2019-10-25





    View of Talents
    Collecting talents with honor credibility, appointing people on their merits; focusing on people, playing employees’ full role

    View of Creation
    Creation, Perfecting, Development

    View of Market
    Market-oriented and surpassing competitors continuously

    View of Honesty
    Trust comes from honesty and honesty creates the future

    View of Quality
    Quality is the life, quality is the profit


    View of Service
    Service has no end, being sincere every single day



    View of Team
    There is no perfect person, there is only perfect team


    View of Social Responsibility
    Being the leader in industry to promote economic soaring




    客户(Customer) -  关心客户如关心自己,为客户创造有效价值
    员工 (Employees) -  坚持企业与员工共同发展
    诚信 ( Integrity) -  真诚待人,信守承诺
    价值 (value ) -  通过创造价值实现利润
    创新 (Innovation) –  勇于挑战自我,超越认知局限
    团队 (Team) –  推崇合作和团队精神
    分享 (Share) –  荣辱与共,成功分享
    执行 (Perform) -  科学决策,有效执行

